Tag Archives: Thai Vehicle Sales

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Auto-makers look forward to sales boost

Although major auto-makers are expecting increased sales thanks to the government's first-car buyer scheme, they are also considering adjusting product...

Subaru assembly possible in Thailand

The presence of a Mitsubishi Fuso truck plant will increase the chances for Thailand to assemble Subaru automobiles, according to Glenn Tan, executive director of Tan Chong International Ltd, the Hong Kong-listed motor distribution, property and trading group.

Auto industry to miss export target

The Thai automotive industry is likely to miss its export target of 1 million units this year because of a shortage of car parts over the past two months resulting from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the Automotive Industry Club under the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) says.

Local automakers stung

Local carmakers estimate the overtime stoppage begun two weeks ago in the wake of the Japanese disaster has cost them 10,000 vehicles to date, but normal production is expected to resume after next month's Songkran holiday.