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Thailand Tourism Ranking Plummets in Latest WEF Index, Industry Calls for Urgent Action

Thailand tourism ranking plummets

Thailand’s tourism ranking has fallen by more than 10 places in the latest World Economic Forum (WEF) Travel and Tourism Development Index, sparking concerns about the country’s ability to maintain its position as a leading tourist destination. Industry leaders are calling for urgent government action to address the underlying issues of inadequate infrastructure and services.

Key Findings:

Significant Decline: Thailand’s ranking dropped from 36th to 47th place, the largest decrease since the 2021 index.
Regional Lag: Thailand trails behind Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia in the Southeast Asian region.
Poor Infrastructure Score: The country received its lowest score for tourist services and infrastructure.
Missed Opportunity: The tourism rebound post-pandemic has been largely reliant on existing attractions, with little improvement in infrastructure or services.

Industry Criticism:

The Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA) and other industry associations are calling for a comprehensive long-term plan for tourism development. They criticize the government for its lack of action on infrastructure and service improvements, despite initiatives like the visa-free scheme aimed at attracting tourists.

Urgent Need for Action:

Industry leaders are urging the government to prioritize the development of infrastructure and services, enhance connectivity, and focus on improving the overall quality of the tourist experience. Without urgent action, Thailand risks falling further behind in the global tourism landscape.

Looking Ahead:

A white paper outlining the challenges and opportunities facing Thailand’s tourism industry will be submitted to the Tourism Minister on May 30th. The industry hopes this will serve as a catalyst for meaningful change and a renewed focus on sustainable tourism development.

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